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This panorama shows the special bicycle signal from the direction indicated in the sign in the previous picture. The signal is a respectable idea in itself, though the devil is in the details. The time for the exclusive bicyclist and pedestrian signal phase necessarily results in additional delays for traffic from other directions. That is generally an accepted tradeoff when there is an added leg at an intersection. But also:
  • The sign, at the left side of the picture, is way out of the line of travel of bicyclists approaching the intersection.
  • The ramp to the street is narrower than the pathway, so that bicyclists, wheelchair users, people with baby strollers etc. traveling in both directions are all forced to the center.
  • The bicycle symbol indicating the location of the signal actuator is in the center of the pathway in the foreground -- somewhat to the left of the bicyclist's location to keep clear of oncoming bicycle traffic. It would be good also to have markings on the path indicating the way to the symbol which could get hidden by a crowd of waiting pedestrians.
  • There is only a pushbutton for pedestrians at the right side of the path. What are pedestrians supposed to do when they are using the crosswalk that goes to the left -- walk across in front of bicyclists?
  • Are drivers arriving on Oregon Street (left side of photo) prohibited from turning right on a red light? I don't see any signs to that effect. If not, the special signal phase is not fully protected.
  • What are bicyclists arriving on Lloyd Boulevard (right side of photo) supposed to do to enter the pathway? If motorists on Oregon are prohibited from turning right on red, these cyclists could take advantage of the special signal phase to turn left into the pathway, but there does not appear to be any signal to indicate when this movement is protected.
  • What signal is presented to the bicyclists arriving on Interstate (like the two in the background of the photo)? it would be reasonable for them also to have a special signal to continue across Oregon and into the plaza.

Scroll right as needed to see the rest of the panoramic image.

Generated by JAlbum 7.4 / PositionMap 5.7.9
Photos and captions by John S. Allen
unless otherwise indicated.