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Motorists' red
Bicyclists' red, motorists' left arrow red, pedestrian crossing on walk signal and talking on cell phone. Time is 3:19:22 PM. Comparing times of the photos, the signal cycle is about 90 seconds; motorists traveling through have the green for about 60 seconds; bicyclists, about 30 seconds, and left-turning motorists, about 20 seconds. If bicyclists merge into the left-turn lane and proceed on the left-turning motorists' green, they nearly double the time during which they may cross, making it equal to that for motorists traveling straight ahead on 9th Avenue. However, bicyclists may not do this legally with New York City's mandatory bike lane law, or with the usual prohibition against proceeding straight in a lane designated only for left turns.
Generated by JAlbum 8.6 / PositionMap 5.8.3
Images by John Ciccarelli
and captions by John S. Allen
unless otherwise indicated.