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Trapped by peds
Motorists unlawfully cross bikeway on the bicycle green (which precedes the motorists' green left arrow). Red van blocks crosswalk marking, but not new refuge area.The motorists are trapped in the intersection by pedestrians crossing in the crosswalk at the left. One of the pedestrians entered the crosswalk on the flashing don't walk signal, taking advantage of the blockage by other pedestrians. Time is 3:18:46 PM.

Comment by Bob Shanteau: "[T]hose motorists are violating a red arrow It appears that NYC needed some intense publicity and enforcement the first few weeks after the left turn arrows were installed. As far as I can tell, turn arrows are very unusual in NYC, similar to every other big city I've visited."

Generated by JAlbum 8.6 / PositionMap 5.8.3
Images by John Ciccarelli
and captions by John S. Allen
unless otherwise indicated.